Friendboy Guvenn

Guvenn - main photo
Location: Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey (City center)
Last Online: Sep 2024

Few words

Hello I am Pamir.
You can get detailed information by contacting whatsapp.
Personal hygiene rules are very important to me.
Spending time within the rules of respect and tolerance is my top priority.
For more information, please message me via WhatsApp.
We have to understand that not everything is sexual intercourse and that there must be sharing.
I don’t do appointments with men over a certain age.
You aren’t far from a call for the great pleasure that mutual sharing will bring.
See you soon.

Basic info

Age 25 Y/O
Height 188
Weight 76
Ethnicity White
Body type Slim
Hair colour Black
Eye colour Blue
Body hair Shaved
D Size 5.51
Position Versatile


Same day meetings please


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